
samedi 22 novembre 2014

Here is our new home

Hey girls !! Yes, Buzinette is back. She knows that she is not really active this last time. But these last months, she is really busy.... and for a really good thing. Since several months, she is looking to buy a house. But the research is really really hard.... because she and her husband are crazy of our current home and they don't want to leave their current house. But finally their owner has accepted to sell them their current house. And now, they are really close to say that their house is really THEIR home !!!!
So, because she's really happy, she wants to make a kit around this good news. And this is how the idea of this kit Here is our new home grown in her mind.
She hopes you like it as much as she had enjoyed creating !!!
This kit contains: - 6 solid papers - 13 pattern papers - 49 elements - 11 Word Arts - 4 brushes (with our without accent)
Elements include: * 1 apostrophe * 1 arrow * 1 banner * 2 branches * 1 border * 1 craft bubble * 1 buterfly * 5 buttons * 1 heart charm * 1 drawinf of family * 1 flag * 8 flowers * 2 frames * 3 houses *1 hoot * 1 key * 2 leaves * 1 paper * 1 paper strip roller * 1 pin wheel * 1 plate * 1 pocket * 4 ribbons * 1 flower scatter * 1 staples * 1 stitches * 1 string * 1 tag * 3 tapes

my page :

credits :
Here is our new home by Buzinette
inspiration from a page by JennMcCabe

Here is our new home



at DigitalScrappers Brazil

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